Christmas Festivities for Clee Class
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas for pupils in Clee Yellow Pupils in Clee Yellow
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Home News & Events Neurodiversity Celebration
Overton School celebrated Neurodiversity Week Friday 22nd March. The theme for Neurodiversity week was ‘The Big Ask’ and pupils voted to host an audience with Overton. Throughout the afternoon we celebrated neurodiversity where pupils captivated the audience by sharing what it means to them to be neuro diverse; using their preferred method of communication we saw video clips using picture exchange symbols and Makaton signing; some pupils shared a piece of writing or a drawing, while other pupils were confident and brave speaking live in front of the audience.
Enterprise pupils worked hard to create Neurodiversity bracelets with key words such as acceptance, respect, I am me, and equality which they sold throughout the afternoon for a donation of 50p per bracelet, we sold an amazing 60 bracelets and all proceeds were sent to the Society for Neurodiversity. We are so proud of the efforts all pupils, in an inspiring, raw, emotive celebration learning each individuals experience of Neurodiversity and how Overton develops, supports and celebrates all.
© Outcomes First Group 2025